Elisabeth Brommer-Kern M.A. Coaching & Training +41 79 570 03 43 +49 176 228 34 228

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Sustainable business meetings and events

Sustainable meeting

Every event or meeting that we organise or attend results in environmentally harmful CO₂ emissions. It is natural to think of large-scale events, such as congresses or trade fairs organised by professional agencies. However, even business meetings with two to 30 participants or company events leave behind an environmental footprint. For us, sustainability means more than simply reducing emissions.

Our commitment to sustainability involves using resources efficiently (eco-efficient and eco-effective), focussing more heavily on social, health and safety-related aspects and even reducing costs. In doing so, you and your employees will contribute to the Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The benefits are obvious:

A more sustainable lifestyle on the part of the individual...

  • results in a more conscious approach towards oneself, others and our environment,
  • promotes a sense of wellbeing,
  • encourages equal opportunities and promotion of human rights,
  • promotes learning and development, and
  • results in a sense of purpose.

Commitment and active contribution to sustainable development across associations, organisations and businesses of all sizes leads to

  • more efficient use of resources and lower costs,
  • tapping into new markets and areas of innovation (how do I make things more sustainable?),
  • greater motivation among employees, customers and members,
  • enhanced reputation and brand image, and
  • increases public trust.

An online quick check helps you see whether your events are already being sustainably organised.

If you are looking to make your business meetings and events more sustainable in terms of sustainable development, then the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as ISO 20121:2012 for sustainable event management provide a useful approach.
Even striving towards ISO without certification can help us ‘moderately’ organise sustainable meetings and events and reduce CO₂ emissions.

Do you need help to implement this? We're here for you.

Building a sustainable event management system

If you are looking to make all of your company events sustainable or consciously manage your existing commitment to reducing carbon emissions, including in terms of event organisation, then we recommend introducing a sustainable event management system. This can be in the form of guidelines supported by an assessment sheet and event calculator. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to sustainable event management. It involves developing personal sustainable development guidelines for the company concerned, whether these are for regular meetings and events, annual meetings, or trade fairs and customer events.

Our service: consultancy and/or training
Simply contact us to find out more about our consultancy and training services. We are just an email away.

Book recommendation in German language

Quick Guide Nachhaltige Business-Meetings und -Events
Wie Sie betriebliche Veranstaltungen erfolgreich und zukunftsorientiert organisieren

Autoren: Holzbaur, Ulrich, Brommer-Kern, Elisabeth

Praktischer Leitfaden, auch für Nicht-Event-Profis

Springer Gabler Verlag

Das Buch erscheint 2021. Weitere Infos gibt es hier.


Quick Check for Sustainable Business Meetings and Events

Our "Quick Check for Sustainable Business Meeting and Events" lets you find out in a matter of minutes whether your business meeting or event meets the key requirements of sustainable event organisation.

With 15 questions on the areas of action for events such as management, administration, communication, participant management, event location, mobility/transport, meals, waste/energy, accommodation and safety, you will get an insight into what sustainable event management is all about.

About the process. Promptly answer all of the questions. When answering the questions, think of an event that has recently taken place or is due to take place soon. It is recommended to choose a meeting or event that at least involves an external location and/or accommodation for participants, such as a typical leadership meeting or employee event. If you cannot answer the question with a clear ‘YES’, then please respond with ‘No’.

Anonymity. The quick check is anonymous and you will receive your result immediately.